Northeast Ohio's Premier Provider
Northeast Ohio's Premier Provider
Supported Living Services
Our supported living service has been designed to promote a healthy way of living to fit the specific needs of each individual. We care most about a high quality of life providing the best services including but not limited to: functional living abilities, medication prioritizations, meal planning, personal hygiene, doctor and medical scheduling, financial management, social awareness, housekeeping and transportation. Our supported living program services are staffed by the best in the industry and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Proudly serving the following locations:
· Northeast Ohio (Cuyahoga, Medina and Lorain Counties)
Participant Directed Homemaker Personal Care
When To Apply This Service with things like getting dressed, making food, and accessing things in the community. With Participant-Directed Homemaker/Personal Care, a person may decide how much to pay their staff and they may act as the employer.
Participant-Directed Home-maker/Personal Care is an option available through all three of the waivers DODD administers. It is not a requirement of the IO or L1 waivers. Participant-direction is a requirement of the SELF waiver. The person enrolled or a representative they choose must be willing and able to direct at least one service. Learn more about participant directed services.
When To Apply This Service
The person’s service and support administrator, or SSA, will assess them for a need for Homemaker/Personal Care. If there is a need, the SSA will include it in the person’s individual service plan.
A person can choose to direct their Homemaker/Personal Care services through any of the waivers offered by DODD. Participant-direction gives the person more control and authority to decide who provides their services and how those services are provided. The person must want to be in charge of staff employer responsibility, but can receive assistance.
Providing This Service
Agency and independent providers that have a Medicaid provider agreement and are DODD-certified can provide this service.
Participant-Directed Homemaker/Personal Care can be provided as one-on-one or as a group service. The ratio of support staff providing this service to people being served shall not exceed one person to three staff.
The person may hire their family members if the family member is not designated to help with employer functions.
Parents cannot provide services to their minor child younger than 18 years old. County boards of developmental disabilities or regional councils of governments cannot provide this service.
Participant-Directed Homemaker/Personal Care providers cannot provide Money Management or Ohio Shared Living services to the same person.
Individual Options And Level One Information
A common law employee must provide PD-HPC to a person using the Individual Options or Level One waivers.
PD-HPC is for people with disabilities who
Self Waiver Information
It is a requirement of the SELF Waiver for the person or their representative to be able and willing to direct services, including choosing employer authority. A common law employee or an agency with the free choice of provider process must provide PD-HPC to a person using the SELF Waiver.
Training Requirements For Services
After initial provider certification and completing annual training requirements, the following is required to provide this service.
People hiring their own common law employees may choose to require all DODD training or may waive any of the following
People hiring their own common law employees may choose to waive the requirements for a high school diploma or GED, if medication certification is not required.
People using the SELF Waiver who choose co-employment cannot waive requirements.
A person receiving PD-HPC must determine specific training for an employee or agency staff with the free choice of provider process, which may include information about the person’s
Training topics chosen by the person do not negate an obligation of the county board of developmental disabilities service and support administrator or SSA to meet the individual service plan training requirements.
The person and the employee will be required to sign a Participant Directed Homemaker/Personal Care Acknowledgment verifying the training is required by the waiver participant and that training was provided to the employee by the participant or their designee. The form with both signatures must given to the SSA before the employee may begin services.
The SSA must upload the form in the Cost Projection Tool within MSS before services can be authorized.
Northeast Ohio Payee Solutions LLC
24600 Center Ridge Rd Building 3/Suit 160 Westlake, OH 44145
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